Pleat Menu – Flex Component (draft)

The Pleat menu that is used in Buzzword is really sweet. I wanted to emulate in an attempt to get a reusable component along the same lines. This is the first draft at my attempt, and it admittedly needs some work, but it is still useful, even in its current state.

Here’s the source.

One of my goals with this is to have all the actual controls in the Pleat available at the top level. This makes it a lot easier to capture in PureMVC (or your event/notification system of choice) and doesn’t bury the components. I want to go in and refactor it some more to emulate the Adobe set of Flex components. We’ll see if I have the time ;)

the icons are from the awesome fugue set found here.

  • luchyx

    excellent! component.
    Usefull for big navigation in a short space

  • thibaud

    let me credit the icon author for you : :)

  • Joel Hooks

    @thibaud thanks you for calling me out on that. I completely forgot to mention the awesome fugue icon set.

  • ajs3535

    this is very nice… how did you do it… at least give me a hint :)

  • Joel Hooks

    the source is linked in the post, so there is my hint ;)

  • ajs3535

    this is very nice… how did you do it… at least give me a hint :)

  • Joel Hooks

    the source is linked in the post, so there is my hint ;)